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It is a good idea for Agents to create a Facebook business page for the following reasons:

Ask For Reviews

When people view your page and see positive reviews, it builds trust and shows that you work and communicate well with others.

Analyze Facebook Insights

Facebook Insights allows you to see how many people your posts are reaching and how many people are engaging. Click on “Insights” at the top of your page to see your “Page Summary,” which will show you the stats for the last 7 days or more. Sub-categories are on the left of the screen and will give a more detailed analysis of any of your stats. Study the best times of days your posts are being seen and schedule your posts to go out at those times.

Buy Facebook Ads

Having a Facebook Business Page gives real estate agents the ability to run advertisements for little cost compared to traditional marketing, such as mailers. Before creating an ad, be sure to add posts and invite the people you know to like your page. That way when you do decide to run an ad later, your page will have content for when others come to view your page. 

Learn From Others

Search for other real estate agent’s pages in your market and choose to “watch” their page to see their analytics and top posts. Click on “Insights,” scroll to the bottom of the page until you see “Pages to Watch.” Select “Add Pages” and type in the name of the page of which you would like to learn.

Join Business-Related Facebook Groups

You can gain so much industry-related knowledge from others’ posted questions on Facebook Groups by reading the responses of people to certain posts. It is a great place to post your own questions, too. You can answer posted questions, which shows others your ideas and expertise. One huge advantage to joining these groups is acquiring leads. You can choose to partner up with your other agent friends in different cities to refer and promote them and, hopefully, they would return the favor. This easy and kind effort helps you both with more potential leads.

Keep Business And Personal Separate

Keep personal items on your personal page and business information on your business page. It is good to share posts between the two at times, but not too often. I personally view my personal page as a “business” page as well and use it to follow and make connections with many agents, lenders, contractors, etc. from my personal page because business pages do not follow others.

Keep A Consistent Posting Schedule

It is important to have a consistent posting schedule with your business page with at least 3-4 posts per week, but preferably 1-3 times per day. If you plan and schedule your content a month at a time, it becomes much more manageable. You can use the free Facebook Creator Studio or other apps, such as Another plus is that if your Facebook and Instagram accounts are linked, your posts to each can post simultaneously. I personally use because it also will post to Twitter simultaneously as well.

Post Relatable, Informative Content

Post relatable, informative content that asks for people to respond. Do not sell yourself with every post. Note that your posted live videos will be given the most priority from Facebook and be shown to more people than a regular video or post. Next would be posted videos and then photos. Before hosting a live video, be sure to promote it beforehand by posting about it on all of your different social media. 

Additional Info:


  • Be sure to verify your page.

  • Post Attribution: If you are handling your own social media, set to “Post as Your Name.” If you hire someone else to manage your social media, keep as “Post as Your Page.”

  • Page Roles: People who are helping you manage your page should be added here as an Admin or Editor.

  • Pin any state required forms (photo) to the top of your posts. This will permanently show at the top of your posts always.

  • Facebook Lead Ad Capture is not something I recommend if you are able to use KvCore. A disadvantage is that a lead that was captured using a Facebook Lead Ad cannot be sent directly to your kvCORE CRM. You have to pay for a tool called Zapier. Note that Facebook leads are generally accurate because the info submitted is auto-populated by Facebook’s retained information about that person. With KvCore, someone has to fill out each blank, so the information may be less accurate.


See Instagram and LinkedIn links under the Agent Resources tab for more tips.

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